Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue?
Please get in touch!
Just click this address to send mail:
If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.
Is happiness really healthy for you?
Most cases of extreme happiness require a sedative to calm down. The anxiety of winning the jackpot can make the
heart soar into cataract arrest Yet merely taking a shower can make the body feel uplifted, not necessarily happy
but better enough to be a little happier and Hope seems to be a thriving trait far more than Happiness
Subscription Information
If you send me your e-mail address, I'll let you know when there are new postings or when I publish a new edition. That way
you can always stay up to date!
Contributor's Guidelines
Here I'll include a list of issues I'd like writers and artists who want to contribute to my e-zine to keep in mind. For example,
I might include:
The type of content I'm looking for (movie reviews, articles about particular subjects, photos, and so on) A suggested
length for articles The format in which I'd like to have articles (HTML? text files?) or pictures (.JPG? .GIF? either?) My
policy on rights (such as, can authors reprint their work elsewhere?) Payment, if any